Start Date
Start Time
End Time
VenueOnline Meeting
AHUA North, Spring 2023
Please note the earlier meeting start time, now 10.15, not 10.30.
The AHUA North group is chaired by Lynda Brady, University Secretary, Edge Hill University.
This meeting will take place online jointly with the AHUA South Group. It is a chance for members to check-in with each other, discuss current sector issues, and offer advice and support.
You will need to be logged in to view the following:
- A list of group members
- Past agendas and minutes
- Joining instructions will be sent in a calendar invitation. It would be helpful for the Regional Convenor and other members to know if you are attending, so please accept or decline the invitation by clicking ‘Send response’.
- The agenda once available can be found under related resources on this page.