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26th July, 2021
Cutting the funding for creative education won’t help the economy
Arts graduates are critical to rebuilding the economy. Vivienne Hurley,...

13th January, 2021
Higher Education funding: A question of quality?
A ready-made set of levers. The Quality and Standards Consultation...

24th July, 2020
Light at the End of the Tunnel… or Just a Tunnel
Helen Watson, Registrar and Secretary at Goldsmiths, University of London,...

22nd April, 2020
COVID-19 – Our Biggest Challenge Yet
Aaron Porter, Director of Policy and Engagement at IDP Connect,...

7th February, 2020
Cutting the Cloth to Suit the Purse – the OfS Teaching Grant
Helen Watson, Registrar and Secretary at Goldsmiths, University of London...

26th November, 2019
What does the General Election mean for Higher Education funding?
Ant Bagshaw, management consultant for Nous Group, discusses what funding...

11th September, 2019
Transnational Education: Growth, Innovation and Development
With the clear connection between international student recruitment, the opportunity...

10th June, 2019
The Art of Augar: Hitting the Right Notes or a Little Off Key?
On Thursday 30th May 2019, the long-anticipated review of post-18...

22nd June, 2018
Going For Broke: Do We Really Care About Education?
Alison Kennell, University Secretary at York St John University, argues...

22nd March, 2018
They’re Not Tuition Fees, They’re University Fees
There has been lots of talk in the media about...