Life in Lockdown: James Rolfe
Camaraderie, coffee, and cameras: the motifs of many lockdown experiences. James Rolfe, Chief Operating Officer at Anglia Ruskin University, shares his thoughts and advice in our ongoing Life in Lockdown series.

What is your proudest achievement since lockdown began?
The extraordinary levels of commitment, camaraderie, and mutual support that all of my colleagues have shown to one another.
Anglia Ruskin University is a good place to work anyhow, and the last three months have shown the very best of what we’re about.
What is your greatest challenge at the moment?
Re-opening campus-based operations, and all the complexity that comes with it.
Closing down campus-based operations was relatively straightforward in hindsight!
How are you finding working from home?
Good. I have all the IT equipment I need, I get more time with my family, and the weather has generally been fantastic.
I must admit though, looking into a camera the size of a pinhead all day can be exhausting!
What have you learned about yourself during lockdown?
It is possible to drink too much coffee.
What are you most looking forward to once lockdown is lifted?
Pavement cafes on a sunny day: coffee, cake, chat.
What will you miss the most about life in lockdown?
Not having a lengthy commute, and having more time with my family.
What one piece of advice or lesson learned in lockdown would you share with members?
Take the time to ask, really ask, how people are doing, and act on what they say.
James Rolfe is the Chief Operating Officer at Anglia Ruskin University. You can follow James on Twitter.
And remember: no two lockdown experiences are the same. Sharing our experience is important for supporting staff wellbeing after lockdown, as well as our own mental health. You can explore other lockdown stories shared by AHUA members in our Life in Lockdown series.
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